Published On: 29 April 2021Categories: GEO Blue Planet, News

On 16 April, the Atlantic International Research (AIR) Centre’s Networking Friday event featured the GEO Blue Planet Initiative. During the session, Audrey Hasson, the GEO Blue Planet EU coordinator hosted by EU4OceanObs, and Emily Smail, the GEO Blue Planet Executive Director, introduced the GEO Blue Planet initiative. They showcased on-going success stories from 4 different thematic Working Groups, highlighting how GEO Blue Planet identifies data and information gaps, provides network and coordination support and supports best practices covering a wide range of topics such as eutrophication, sargassum, marine litter and oil spill.

Watch a replay of the Networking Friday GEO Blue Planet session below:

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The AIR Centre’s Networking Fridays are a series of webinars that take place every Friday, at 1pm UTC. During these sessions, researchers, technology innovators, representatives of multilateral organisations, government officials, and social entrepreneurs present and discuss their current work and, most importantly, explore ways of future collaboration on activities around the Atlantic region. Videos of past sessions are available on the AIR Centre’s Youtube Channel.

The AIR Centre and GEO Blue Planet

The AIR Centre is an international collaborative framework to address global challenges and local priorities in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a contributing organisation in the GEO Blue Planet Initiative, and collaborated with GEO Blue Planet to develop the Sargassum Information Hub – a central portal providing information and tools to monitor and manage Sargussum blooms in the Atlantic Ocean and its coastal area.