Ocean data derived from satellite and in situ observations is transformed into data and information products for use by multiple users, from academia and government management agencies to commercial sectors requiring operational applications and services. Data quality is controlled and made readily useable. Satellite and in situ measurements can be merged to produce enhanced products.

Data can be transformed into indicators to monitor the state of the ocean. Data is also assimilated in numerical models to provide forecasts, real-time analyses and long-time series over several decades, complementing the data products derived from solely satellite and/or in situ observations.

The European Union (EU) supports the transformation of global ocean data through the Copernicus Satellite component (ESA, EUMETSAT), networks of in-situ data producers/aggregators (Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet, SeaDataNet), modelling and forecasting services (Copernicus Marine Service, EuroGOOS), and funding initatives such as the development of a Digital Twin of the Ocean under its Destination Earth Initiative.

EU4OceanObs works with international partners to promote and expand European infrastructures, services and initiatives that transform global ocean data into readily usable information products. These value added products in turn drive the development of downstream marine applications and new services contributing to the sustainable use of marine resources, and knowledge of the ocean.