EU4OceanObs is developing case studies on the Earth Observation (EO) value chain on ocean and coastal related themes. From satellite and in situ observation, to monitoring and forecasting services, to data access and cloud services, to marine and coastal derived applications and services. The case studies will highlight the European Union’s contribution along the value chain, providing concrete examples of pan-European and European led initiatives, projects and services to address challenges and problems related to each theme.

Each case study will explore good practices to raise awareness for the essential role of ocean and coastal observations in responding to associated societal challenges. Identifying gaps in observation, monitoring and forecasting, and data access, the case studies also put forward recommendations to address these gaps.

The themes selected are aligned with priority areas of EU4OceanObs, fed by the activities of the European coordination of GEO Blue Planet (e.g. Sargassum, marine litter, fisheries, eutrophication) and G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (FSOI) (e.g. ocean carbon, marine biodiversity, sea ice).

Target audiences

The Earth observation value chain case studies target decision-makers and local authorities confronted with related issues and themes, blue economy industries, and researchers looking to collaborate and explore existing services, infrastructures and programmes.

Click on icon below to access PDF version of each use case. 




Arctic sea ice

Marine litter

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Earth observation for monitoring and forecasting Sargassum in the tropical Atlantic

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Use cases from European programmes and projects

EU4OceanObs also works to showcase and promote existing use cases in the different components of the ocean observing value chain developed by European funded services, programmes, and projects, including:

These use cases highlight examples of how Copernicus marine data and information are used by different users (companies, research institutions and governments) to develop marine and maritime applications and services. To find out more, click here. 

Coordinated by ARMINES and funded by the EU’s H2020 R&I programme, e-shape aims to showcase operational services in and improve user uptake of Earth Observation data powered by Europe. E-shape supports the implementation of pilot applications spanning 7 thematic areas (health, renewable energy, ecosystem, water, climate, disasters and agriculture) to address societal challenges, foster entrepreneurship and support sustainable development. The objectives of these pilots are in line with GEO main priorities, namely, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement and Sendai Framework.

Working with industry and experts, the Copernicus Climate Service supports case studies, use cases and demo cases around key sectoral themes to address climate-related issues that businesses or communities are facing across Europe. The Service develops demonstrator projects to explore how Copernicus climate data can be used to address key climate challenges in different sectors.

The All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS), is supporting several ocean observing use cases that showcase the added value of a more integrated ocean observing system. The Use Cases are on specific themes including mitigating impacts of sargassum, Atlantic meridional ocean circulation, ocean carbon uptake, fisheries and marine animal movements. To find out more, click here.

EuroSea will develop Innovation Demonstrators in 3 action areas: Coastal resilience and operational services, ocean health, and ocean climate indicators. To find out more, click here.

A number of Blue-Cloud Demonstrators will be developed that will make use of existing, and drive the further development of additional, Blue-Cloud services. The Blue-Cloud Demonstrators have been selected as applications that are specific for oceans and seas, could be expanded to fresh water bodies, and are necessary for marine ecosystems research, conservation, forecasting & innovation in the Blue Economy. To find out more, click here.

EMODnet develops use cases for each of its data portals (bathymetry, central portal, biology, chemistry, physics, seabed habitats, human activities, checkpoints, data ingestion, geology) for businesses, policy makers and research. To find out more, click here.