Ocean literacy tools developed by EU4OceanObs

EU4OceanObs works to promote ocean literacy among all world citizens for better understanding of the ocean and the challenges it faces, and to increase international commitment to and public engagement in support of global ocean observations to address societal and environmental challenges and for the sustainable management of marine resources.

European Ocean Observing Awareness Campaign

Videos and articles showcasing how the European Union is responding to global ocean and coastal data needs by supporting and sustaining in situ global ocean observing. From profiling floats and research vessels to drifting buoys, and gliders, the EU supports various platforms providing direct measurements of sea water properties at various depths and in the coastal and open ocean. These observations are crucial for understanding ocean and climate systems, validating satellite data and support knowledge-based decision-making for sustainable management of marine resources and mitigation and adaptation strategies in a changing climate.

Earth Observation value chain case studies

Find out how the Earth observation value chain, from in situ and satellite observations to monitoring and forecasting of the ocean’s state, provide data and knowledge to inform decision-making and feed services to address societal and environmental challenges. The case studies highlight the European Union’s contribution to the global ocean observing ecosystem, providing concrete examples of pan-European and European led initiatives, projects and services using ocean and coastal to support different topics from predicting Sargassum inundations, to sustainable fisheries management, to marine litter monitoring.

The European Commission seeks to raise public awareness about the many challenges facing the ocean, and the critical role of ocean data and information in monitoring ocean health, climate change and contributing to a sustainable blue economy. To this end, European infrastructures, programmes, networks and projects carry out various ocean literacy actions, through which ocean science and knowledge is shared with all citizens, from policy makers, to scientific experts, to private companies, to the general public. This in turn increases public support for global ocean observation and ocean science, and promotes the uptake of ocean information and derived marine applications, contributing to informed decision-making and global sustainable ocean initiatives.

As part of its communication activities, EU4OceanObs will promote European-funded global ocean literacy initiatives focusing on global ocean observations and their use to address societal challenges, as well as work to develop outreach tools to complement these initiatives.

Ocean literacy tools developed by  infrastructures, data & service providers, programmes and initiatives in the European global ocean observing community

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Ocean Literacy Network

Access books, applications, videos, educational resources and more developed by EuroGOOS members.

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Ocean Classroom Portal

You can access a variety of ocean literacy resources on research vessels and underwater robots (AUVs & ROVs)

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Ocean Explainers

Educational pages on operational oceanography, impacts of climate change on the ocean and policies to protect our oceans.

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European Atlas of the Seas

Learn more about Europe’s seas and coasts, their environment, related human activities and European policies. Available in 24 languages.

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European Ocean Coalition 

Connecting diverse organisations, projects and people contributing to ocean literacy and sustainable management of the ocean.

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UN SDG 14 Module

Educational module about UN SDG 14: Life below water, with support from UN DESA, Mercator Ocean International and the Copernicus Marine Service.