Last updated 07/04/2022

Article 1 Identity of the parties

Publisher, host and responsibility for the publication

You are currently connected to the site, (hereinafter “the Site”) edited hosted and published by the company MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL in the form of a non-profit company, with a capital of 2 000 000 € whose registered office is at 2 avenue de l’Aérodrome de Montaudran, 31400 Toulouse and registered with the Trade and Company Register under n°D 522 911 577 and with the intra-community VAT number FR12522911577 represented by Pierre Bahurel, the Director-General of MERCATOR OCEAN.
Hereinafter “The Editor”

The director of publication and writing is Laurence Crosnier, head of marketing & communication, referent for any question relating to the dissemination and content of the website.

For any question you can contact us

Postal Address:

Département Marketing et Communication
2 avenue de l’Aérodrome de Montaudran
31400 Toulouse

Email address:

Article 2 Definitions

Content: All the graphic and textual elements constituting the Site.
Cookies: a small data file copied to your computer’s hard drive by a website.
Personal data: Any information related to an identified person.
Site: The site belonging to the company MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL, available at and any subdomain assigned to it.
User: Person connecting to and browsing the website.

Article 3 Intellectual property

The website graphics elements of the website were made by GIRLS MAKE SENSE.
All the graphic, brand and illustrative elements which appear on EU4OceanObs website are protected by French copyright and trademark law.

The Site and each of the elements that made (the Content), including texts, articles, newsletters, press releases, presentations, brochures, images (animated or not) are the exclusive intellectual property of the company MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL.
Users are only authorised to view the Site on the screen of their personal terminal (computer, mobile, tablet), print the pages of the Website for their personal use and temporarily reproduce the files which constitute it in the cache memory of this computer for the sole purpose of facilitating consultation of the Site.
These rights of use are non-transferable and non-exclusive.
In particular and subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the User is not authorised to reproduce, represent, modify, translate and / or adapt, partially or totally, for a fee or free of charge, the Site and each of the elements that compose it, and reproduce and / or represent such translations, adaptations and modifications, partially or totally, for a fee or free of charge, without the prior written consent of MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL.

In the event of illegal or unauthorised use of the site, MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to take any appropriate measure which it considers necessary and, if necessary, to bring any appropriate legal action, and / or report the infringement to the authorities judicial and police.

Photo and illustrative credits:

The photos disseminated on the Site are photos free of copyright or owned, where applicable, the photography/images credits are indicated in a dedicated section, accessible here. The whole is protected as Site Content by copyright.

Article 4 Hypertext links

MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL ensures that its hypertext links to third party websites are of high quality. However, in the event of a violation of the third-party website (hacking, defacing, DDOS, and faced with of the vagaries of the Internet network, MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL cannot be held liable for the content thereof, apart from the content integrated by framing .
MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL doesn’t control and has no control over the content of these sites, it invites you to the utmost caution as to redirect these sites.

Article 5 Personal data

Personal data collected on the site are exclusively for providing information on the traffic to the SITE and contact for those affected, and by extension to allow the user to enjoy the services offered by the Site.
In application of the mandatory provisions of the GDPR and the Data Protection Act, the User can request the communication of his/her Personal Data and demand that Personal Data, as the case may be, be rectified, completed, updated, locked or erased if inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or conservation is prohibited.
To do this, the USER must contact MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL using the contact information provided above.
The company MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL wishing to allow its users to exercise its rights by the same means as that by which the data is collected provides two addresses for requests to exercise rights over personal data.
If a USER wishes to exercise the rights mentioned above, he/she must send a letter to the following postal address:

Marketing et Communication Department
2 avenue de l’Aérodrome de Montaudran
31400 Toulouse

or to the email address:

Article 6 Cookie management policy

What is a cookie?

The word cookie is used here in the broad sense to designate all of the computer tracers and other files deposed on the terminal equipment of a user during the consultation of the website or the opening of an email.

The cookies placed make possible to ensure the proper functioning of the website and to perform the following operations:

  • Memorise information relating to a form that you have filled out on the website, to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as user name for members, language, etc.) for a certain period of time
  • Allow the technical and administrative functioning of the website
  • Measure the audience of people browsing the website
  • Collect statistics

What cookies do we use?

To analysis the traffic on the website, we use the web analytics platform – Matomo (formerly known as Piwik). The statistics collected remain anonymous, and you have the option to “Block cookies” in the browser settings.

Cookies are retained for a period that doesn’t exceed 13 months. By the end of the retention period, the concerned personal data are deleted from our database.

Some cookies may also be placed by third parties, in particular for cookies allowing the playback of multimedia content (video, etc.). You must inform yourself about their protection measures and accept or refuse the integration of these directly from them. We do not accept any liability for such third-party content.

Article 7 Update

MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL reserves all right to update this legal notice to any time.
MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL therefore invites Users to visit this page during each consultation of the site in order to become aware of it.

Article 8 Applicable law

This site is subject to French law.