Phase 2: October 2023 – October 2027

The second phase of EU4OceanObs is funded under the Horizon Europe framework through a 4-year contribution agreement between the European Research Executive Agency (REA) and Mercator Ocean International.

EU4OceanObs is implemented by a team of experts at Mercator Ocean International, working closely with the European Commission to ensure that activities are driven by EU policy directives, research priorities, and investments in Ocean observing assets. Managed by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), the project’s advisory board consists of representatives across different Directorate Generals, including Research and Innovation (RTD), Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE), Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS) and International Partnerships (INTPA). Therefore, the project provides a unique cross-coordination mechanism to harmonise and align EU actions on the global ocean observations and ensure evolving EU priorities are considered at the international level.

  • To visit the European Research Executive Agency website, click here.

Phase 1: October 2020 – September 2023

The European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) initiated a global in situ observation long-term strategy to complement satellite observation, embodied in the Action “International ocean governance: EU component to global observations”. The Action was carried out by the EU4OceanObs project over a 3-year period with funding through Partnership Instrument under the FPI’s 2019 Annual Action programme. The European Commission entrusted the project implementation to Mercator Ocean International.

The Project Manager from FPI Service was responsible for all administrative, legal and financial issues relating to the contribution agreement of the project and led the EC project management team which included representatives from Directorate Generals RTD and DEFIS. The EC project team worked in close collaboration with the Scientific Director of Mercator Ocean International responsible for the coordination and implementation of the project. In addition, a Steering Committee was established to support, oversee the implementation of and provide guidance to the EU4OceanObs implementation team at Mercator Ocean International. The Steering Committee comprised various EC Departments and Services such as DG GROW, DG RTD, DG MARE, EEAS, DG DEFIS and DG ENV, involved in EU policies impacting international ocean governance.

  • To read more on the EC’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments and its Partnership Instruments, click here.
  • To access the action document on the European Commission’s FPI Service website, click here