Over the past decades, the European Union (EU) has made significant investments to stimulate the development and use of ocean observations.

EU4OceanObs will thus promote the EU’s extensive global capacity for ocean observation, data-handling and sharing, modelling and forecasting and development of marine applications and services.

By targeting potential users within and beyond the EU, EU4OceanObs will enhance the impact and uptake of European ocean observation programmes and data beyond Europe. Through its actions in the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (G7 FSOI) and GEO Blue Planet, EU4OceanObs will work to foster international commitment and collaborative partnerships to increase data coverage, improve sharing of and access to ocean data, coordinate regional international efforts, and use data and knowledge for a comprehensive global ocean observing system.

How is the EU contributing to the global ocean observing system?

The EU plays a leading role in international decision-making bodies working to improve the coordination and governance of the global ocean observing system (through the EU4OceanObs coordination actions in the G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative and GEO Blue Planet, the EU International Ocean Governance Forum, EU regional programmes, etc.). Read more here.

The EU is supporting the collection of ocean data through its Copernicus Earth Observation programme, in situ ocean observing infrastructures  (Eurofleets+, EuroArgo, JERICO-RI, EMBRC, EMSO, etc.), EU H2020 and Horizon Europe research and innovation projects (TechOceans, Nautilous, Blue-Cloud 2026) and  EU-funded coordination networks, projects and programmes (EuroGOOS, EOOS, AtlantOS, EuroSea, etc.). Read more here.

Through the EU’s data management and sharing infrastructures (Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet, Blue-Cloud, SeaDataNet, etc.), the EU supports the sharing of ocean data & information on the principals of making data and information findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. To read more, click here.

The EU supports the transformation of ocean data principally through the EU Copernicus Marine Service, which transforms satellite and in situ data into fit-for-purpose data and information products (Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs), indicators, assessments, forecasts, visualisation tools, etc.). Relying on a network of European forecasting and monitoring services and operational oceanography centres, the Copernicus Marine Service transforms collected ocean observations into a portfolio of ocean data products, vital for early-warning systems, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, weather forecasts, ocean forecasts, and understanding ecosystem changes and drivers. To read more, click here.

The EU supports the international user uptake of ocean data and information for the development of marine applications for sustainable practices at sea and sustainable blue growth through EU uptake programmes (Copernicus uptake initiatives), targeted use cases and demonstrator projects (EMODnet, Copernicus Marine, EuroSea, Blue-Cloud, etc.) and ocean literacy initiatives (EU Atlas of the Seas), to mention a few. To read more, click here.

How to access EU global ocean data