Published On: 18 May 2024Categories: News

The Ocean Decade Conference 2024 took place in Barcelona, Spain from 10 to 12 April, co-organised by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the Government of Spain. Gathering over 1,500 participants from 124 countries on site and 3,000 online viewers, this event served to commend achievements so far and take stock of progress, and set joint priorities for the future towards “delivering the science we need for the ocean we want”.

The key outcomes of the conference are highlighted in the Barcelona Statement, which identifies priority areas for the Ocean Decade in the coming years. The Statement describes future priorities for ocean knowledge and science generation within the framework of the Ocean Decade, including the co-design and co-delivery of science and knowledge to understand global distribution, human health, ecosystem impacts of marine pollution; and to strengthen sustainable aquatic food production and encourage sustainable and climate resilient ocean economy projects.

Two full days of satellite events preceded the main conference to supplement the main programme by providing additional forums for discussion, networking and knowledge sharing. Some key events supported by EU4OceanObs include:

Connecting the world around Ocean prediction: A vision for the Decade and beyond

Co-organised by the Ocean Prediction Decade Collaborative Centre and GEO Blue Planet, with partial funding from EU4OceanObs, this satellite event was designed to be a dynamic dialogue, followed by a networking reception with posters on the applications of prediction. This event promoted actions and projects contributing to the “Predicted Ocean” outcome of the Decade towards a society that understands and can respond to changing ocean conditions.

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DTO4ECOPS: Leveraging Ocean Data Networks with Cloud Technologies To Deliver the Ocean We Want, Today & Tomorrow

Co-organised by GEO Blue Planet EU coordination/EU4OceanObs in partnership with EDITO-Infra, a key Mission Ocean building the European Digital Twin Ocean core infrastructure (EDITO-Infra), Iliad and Invemar, the workshop explored existing ocean data sharing efforts across regions, including data and information management and capacity building initiatives and networks and take stock of ongoing ocean digital twinning efforts with a view to discuss how early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) can leverage these efforts and technologies to catalyse the successful delivery of Ocean Decade goals.

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