EU4OceanObs press releases published:
Accra, Ghana welcomes GEO Blue Planet’s 5th Symposium
Accra, Ghana, 24 October 2022 – Ghana becomes the focus of the global marine and coastal community this week as it hosts the 5th GEO Blue Planet Symposium. Themed “Local Action in support of [...]
EOOS: a coordinating framework to untap Europe’s potential in global ocean observing
Sustained and comprehensive in situ observations combined with satellite observations and predictive models are critical for generating knowledge required for the protection of the ocean and the sustainable use of its resources. EOOS provides [...]
The EU takes a major step in ocean preservation: launch of EU4OceanObs
Brussels, 24 November 2020 – Global Ocean observation is a sine qua non condition for ensuring a sustainable ocean and a sustainable society. Today, the European Commission is making a major shift on global ocean [...]