A global ocean biogeochemical observatory becomes a reality
Building on the successful Argo network of seafaring temperature and salinity sensors, work is underway to deploy 1,000 floats equipped to study ocean biogeochemistry in greater detail than ever.
- Published in EOS, the science news magazine published by American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Date: 17 March 2022
For more information
- G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative Resource Strategy Group on Global Biogeochemical Argo Fleet
- To find out more about the European contribution to the international Argo programme (EuroArgo), click here.
Towards a global strategy for monitoring of Surface Ocean CO2 – collaboration between G7 FSOI and IOCCP
We are happy to share with you the news that the G7 FSOI will collaborate with the IOCCP to develop an internationally agreed strategy for Surface Ocean CO2 monitoring. The G7 and IOCCP collaboration was presented by the EU coordinator of the G7 FSOI Coordination Centre during a scoping workshop entitled “Ocean Carbon Capacities: Identifying priorities for collaborative action” held by the EU Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) on 21 October 2021. Read full article here.
Meteorological Technology International’s Special Report on Oceans
In this special issue dedicated to oceans, Meteorological Technology International speaks to Pierre Bahurel, CEO of Mercator Ocean International (MOi). Bahurel highlights MOi’s key role in the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), operating the Copernicus Marine Service, and more recently implementing EU4OceanObs. To read the interview available on page 36, click here.
G7’s Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative working group agree to strengthen sustained ocean observing systems
The G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (FSOI) held its 2021 Working Group meeting through a three-day series of virtual sessions hosted by the UK G7 Presidency from 28–30 June 2021. Delegations from Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US met to agree on the way forward with a set of joint G7 ocean actions aimed at strengthening the sustained ocean observing system including the key activities agreed as part of the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan. Click here for full article.
ECO Magazines Special Ocean Decade Issue
The ECO Magazine released its special issue on UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 – 2030 (Ocean Decade), released in partnership with the IOC-UNESCO. EU4OceanObs is a proud sponsor of this important issue, which highlights on-going initiatives, innovative solutions, and debates across the globe contributing to each of seven societal outcomes of the Ocean Decade. This issue also features an article on the unprecedented challenges of Sargassum in the Atlantic Basin and the presentation of the Sargassum Information Hub (p. 138) by the GEO Blue Planet EU coordinator supported by EU4OceanObs. To access this issue, click here.
Flash-back to November 24, the Launch of the EU4OceanObs Project
Launch of EU4OceanObs article on GMES & Africa programme website.
For full article, click here.