Published On: 6 March 2024Categories: News

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) held its first symposium in Brussels from the 13 to 14 February 2024. This event brought together representatives from partner organisations and stakeholders science, policy and private sectors to share information about new projects to be funded under the partnership, the next round of funding opportunities and explore research and innovation-related areas which the Partnership could take on board during the coming years.

Following the first SBEP transnational call launched in 2023, 19 projects were selected. These projects were presented in a poster exhibition and five were featured in a panel session during the symposium. The second partnership call is currently open with a deadline for proposals on 10 April.

About the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership

Launched in September 2022, the SBEP aims to catalyse the transformation towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive and competitive blue economy. Today, the Partnership is supported by 60 partner organisations from 25 countries (including non-EU), with over 450 million euros of planned investments over 7 years. Co-funded by the EU through the Horizon Europe programme, the SBEP is co-cordinated by Italy through the Ministry of Universities and Research and Norway, represented by the Research Council of Norway. The partnersnhip plans to launch six co-funded calls, over the 7 years.

The intervention areas for 2024 include:

  • Digital twins of the ocean
  • Blue economy sectors
  • Sustainable planning and managing sea-uses
  • Blue bioresources