The list below consists of mainly external events, relevant for EU4OceanObs and involving the participation of the EU action coordinators of the GEO Blue Planet Initiative and/or G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative.

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The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is organised annually by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to provide opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organisations involved in Arctic research. It was initiated by the IASC in 1999 and has evolved into the most important annual gathering of the Arctic research organisation.

The summit brings together perspectives from across national and operational/research boundaries, and centers Indigenous priorities in the conversation. Working groups at the summit link regional Arctic observing efforts into global observing systems, provide community input into SAON initiatives, connect the broader observing community with data system efforts, and highlight areas of pressing need within the observing community. The AOS facilitates these conversations through a short statement and white paper process, and plenary and breakout sessions at the summit. Recommendations generated at the summit inform decisions from the project level to the Arctic Science Ministerial. Through the AOS, the Arctic observing community works together to build a more resilient, efficient, and equitable observing system. The AOS has been a hybrid meeting since 2022.

For more information, click here.