The list below consists of mainly external events, relevant for EU4OceanObs and involving the participation of the EU action coordinators of the GEO Blue Planet Initiative and/or G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative.

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The AfriGEO symposium 2021 aims at providing a platform to begin enhance collaboration and integration by bringing together experts from the aforementioned spheres to discuss, unlock and activate the growth of African Industries in Earth Observation.

This symposium shall focus on 5 thematic areas:

  •  Climate Change
  •  Agriculture and Food Security
  •  Industry (SMME) focus
  •  EO for Health
  •  Disaster Risk Reductions
  •  Data and Infrastructure (Cross cutting)

Session 4 ‘Industry Focus’ will be held on 18 November at 14h20 to 16h30 EAT and will include a plenary session and virtual exhibiting booths. The  GEO Blue Planet EU Coordinator together with a representative from the EU’s Copernicus Marine Service/ Mercator Ocean International will present at this session.

For the AfriGEO Symposium programme and to register, click here.